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Somerset’s SEND Local Offer:

Somerset’s SEND Local Offer is our local hub of information and guidance for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), their families and professionals in Somerset.  Explore services available to support you and how to access them.

Discover more at and

Somerset Graduated Response Tool

Quality first teaching underpins all educational provision. It focuses on inclusive practice and breaks down barriers to learning. For the majority of children, this can be achieved by identifying specific barriers, followed by personalisation and differentiation using strategies as identified in the Somerset Graduated Response Tool. The Somerset Graduated Response Tool breaks down SEN into four broad areas of need. This targets specific support for teachers to plan for any interventions to take place. You can learn more about the Somerset Graduated Response at:

Please find below our school's key documents relating to our provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. If you have any further questions relating to how we support children with SEN and Disabilities, please contact our SENDCo, Dave Reynolds, via the school office. 

This video has been written by our local Educational Psychologist, Finola Holyoak, and is aimed at parents who are finding it difficult to manage their child's big emotions.
It will help parents to understand why their child is demonstrating such big emotions and give parents some strategies to support and calm them.